Looking for singing lessons in NYC?
Hey! I have a blog page! I seem to forget that sometimes. I vow to use it more!
Lots of people have been saying really nice stuff about my playing and singing lately, and I’m humbled and flattered. Several have asked me about lessons and stuff, but the truth is that I don’t give any lessons myself (I’m not that structured, patient and organized) and there are very few people I go to for lessons. I pick up guitar tricks from everywhere, mostly from different guitarists that I meet and stuff that I look up on the internet.
The one thing I DO need professional coaching on is my singing. I don’t pay as much attention to vocal training as I should. My bad. But when I DO need a tune-up, a quick adjustment or reminder of how it’s supposed to be done, I turn to Eleonor England. Great vocal coach. Very insightful and skilled. She thinks outside the box and figured how to reach me and make noticeable improvements really quickly. Helps me restore some nuance and breathing skills that I let slip sometimes or just need to get better at executing. Good visualization techniques. No kidding.
I noticed some results within the first 10 minutes of working with her. I can’t promise those kinds of quick results for everyone since everybody’s unique, but Eleonor works well for me… and she’s fun to work with. Cracks me up.
She’s based in New York now, but she makes West Coast appearances from time to time and if nothing else, she’s available for video conferencing lessons if needed anywhere else around the country. I highly recommend her.
That’s my tip for the day!
Eleonor England – Singing Lessons NYC